Kick-off Meeting in Lubin, Poland
From the 8th to the 10th November 2017 „Peripheral Access“ the kick-off meeting took place in Lubin (Poland). This was the first time all partners met together, and discussed with stakeholders.
All partner organisations participated at this meeting: The Development Agency from Ljubljana (SI), Authority for Local Public Transport Vogtland (DE), Trieste Trasporti Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT), Venice International University (IT), Korsdis jmk from Brno (CZ), KTI Institute for Transport Sciences Balassagyarmat (HU), Lubin (PL), Regional Management Metropolitan Area of Styria (AT) and the German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development from Berlin (DE). Beside also selected associated partners of the project participated e.g. the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).
The target of the meeting was to resume the planned regional activities concerning the improvement of mobility in peripheral areas. Each partner presented his region and the main points of already performed project activities. Attached three workshops took place:
- Finance workshop
- Project management workshop
- Workshop on communication issues
You can watch here the TV report about the meeting, in polish, from local TV channel Regionalna PL:

The second day started with an extraordinary program with site visits and get-to-know each other activities. The participants of the meeting had the unique chance to visit the cooper mine of the Region of Lubin and to experience the mining processes, over one km underground. At the evening, after completing the daily agenda including financial and management issues as well as the implementation of key project deliverables, the partner organisations were invited to a dance- and singing concert in the Centrum Kultury „Muza” in Lubin.
The last day was available for discussion and marked the farewell.
Special thanks go to Roman with his entire team from the Region of Lubin (PL) for the organizing the three days beside of the daily agendas.