Fourth partner meeting and City Industry Dialogue conference in Brno, Czech Republic
At the beginning of June, Peripheral Access had its 4th partner meeting in Brno. On the first day (4 June) partners gave interesting updates about their projects and, together with the Lead Partner, were debating future steps for the final year of implementation. Budget and expenditure were discussed in detail, making sure the project continues to perform well.

After some intense exchange in a blazing early summer heatwave, our partner KORDIS concluded the day by giving the team a guided tour through the city of Brno including the castle.

For Wednesday, 5 June, KORDIS had organised the City Industry Dialogue conference. The aim was to consider the future of public transport not only in cities and to present current trends and solutions from Central European countries, especially regarding ticketing services and the issue of “mobility as a service” but also other topics. The conference was part of the URBIS Smart City trade fair which focusses on smart solutions for cities and regions.

The day started with a special historic train service from Brno station to the fairground, highlighting the opportunities of bringing underused tracks back into use. Partners then all attended the conference and heard stimulating talks by speakers from Hungary, Italy, Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Participants were informed about the Peripheral Access project through presentations from some of the project partners themselves: DV talked about its scope as a whole, pointing out the peripheral dimension in all of the Inputs, KORDIS JMK presented recent developments of electronic ticketing in the integrated transport system of the South Moravian Region (IDS JMK), VIU introduced innovative and sustainable transport solutions for land use development in the case of the Old Port in Trieste and KTI appealed for unified e-ticketing and passenger information standards using innovative examples from Hungary.
Registered participants of the City Industry Dialogue conference also had the possibility to visit the fair. Many interesting technical options and ideas were showcased there.