Third project meeting in Venice
Peripheral Access goes south! The third partner meeting took place at Venice International University. We got many interesting updates about all partner projects and had an informative pilot area visit in the surroundings of Trieste organised by partners from Trieste Trasporti.
Each half year all project partners exchange ideas personally and meet in one of the areas where Peripheral Access will implement a pilot action, hosted by the local partner. This time we visited our Italian partners in Venice and Trieste.
Our meeting started on Thursday, 22nd November at Venice International University. All partners presented their updates of the development of each project on peripheral and cross-border transportation and we discussed the last deliverables. After the intense work session, we had a guided tour of the area of Venice University on the island of San Servolo.

On 23rd November, project partners had the opportunity to visit the pilot area of Trieste Trasporti. The area is located near the border to Slovenia, where the communes and neighbourhoods between the city of Trieste, the peripheral and border area are having poor transport service. Therefore, Trieste Trasporti will implement an on-demand service for this space, helping people with a low mobility to be more flexible due to the use of public transport. Thereby our partner is offering an alternative to car using for people living and working in the surrounding area. With intelligent transport system (ITS) based ticket solutions there will be flexible schedules and routes instead of fix plans as a service for customers. The schedule adapts to the customer, which is providing a complete change of the public transport in this area being much more attractive for citizens.

To end our site visit, partners of Trieste Trasporti did show us real Triestian culture: the Triest-Opcina tramway, a hybrid tramway and funicular railway, which is an unusual kind of tramway provided by Trieste Trasporti.