Working meeting focusing on the natural healing resources of SPAs from the Jeseníky region, CZ
On 12.03.2021 Mendel University and Jeseníky - Tourism Association organized a working meeting focusing on the natural healing resources of SPAs from the Jeseníky region titled "PŘÍRODNÍ LÉČIVÉ ZDROJE LÁZNÍ JESENÍKŮ“ via ZOOM.
Topics discussed were:
- The natural healing resources of the Jeseníky spas are an important phenomenon in Central Europe, which deserves special protection and use with respect to the principles of sustainability.
- Who and how uses, protects or potentially threatens these natural healing resources?
- How to improve their protection and at the same time not limit the developing tourism?
| RNDr. Pavel Ptacekk, Ph.D. (Mendel University in Brno) |
| RNDr. Pavel Ptacek, Ph.D., Mgr. Pavel Roubínek, Ph.D., Ing. Vojtech Tamas, Ph.D. (project team Mendel University in Brno), doc. RNDr. Irena Smolová, Ph.D. (Palacký University, Mendel University in Brno) |
| RNDr. Pavel Ptacek, Ph.D. (Mendel University in Brno) |
| doc. RNDr. Irena Smolova, Ph.D. (Palacký University, Mendel University in Brno) |
| Mgr. Zdenek Triskala (Czech Inspectorate of Spas and Springs) |
| Mgr. Tomas Rak (director of the Jeseníky Mountains - tourism association) |
| Ing. Radim Srsen, Ph.D. (Mayor of Dolní Studénky, Chairman of the LAG Šumperský venkov, councilor Olomouc Region, European Committee of the Regions - EU). |
| Round table participants |
A very interesting discussion took place during the online meeting on March 12, 2021.
An online discussion seminar was held with the participation of representatives of the spa, mayors of spa communities, regional politicians and representatives of the project team of Mendel University. The topic was the protection of natural healing resources of the spa in Jeseníky (Czechia).
The main contribution, which developed an interesting discussion, was made by the head of the Czech Inspectorate of Spas and Springs, Mgr. Zdeněk Třískala.
Specific situation related to the covid-19 pandemic. Spa plays a big role here for patients who are being treated or treated with covid and have some consequences, including the whole society, which was affected by the pandemic.
Potential sources of threat to natural healing resources - problems of local heating plants, pressure from tourism actors.
The discussion was also focused on other topics, such as the clash of approaches to tourism: the development of the region and peace in the spa - used to treat patients (different conceptions of the concept of spa).
Other topics will be discussed in future working group meetings.