Slovenian Pilot Action:

Sustainable management plan of thermal water use

Region Southeast Slovenia is faced with challenges of sustainable management of thermal water sources because its medical effects represent an important asset to the socio-economic welfare of local and regional environment. Therefor wide range of regional stakeholders decided to collaborate on elaboration of a plan that utilizes planning and management of thermal water sources within the legal framework of European, national and local legislation. The HealingPlaces pilot project offers great opportunity for integrated implementation of specific objectives of Water Framework Directive, Groundwater Directive, the Waters Act, Mining Act, Slovenian Danube river basin management plan 2016–2021, selected decrees on water protection areas and other regional and local management plans of Southeast Slovenia.

After identification and discussion about pilot project activities with relevant stakeholders Development Centre Novo mesto prepared first drafts of design and procedures of planned activities. Initial focuses of thermal water management are:

  • comprehensive approach to stop lowering thermal water depth,
  • optimisation of metadata about aquifers,
  • protection of areas with soft and hard measures and
  • management of run-off waters and water reuse.