Pilot project meeting in Upper Austria
On 28th of April Austrian partners from Business Upper Austria and representatives of the tourist association Mühlviertler Alm Freistadt - managing director Stefan Wunderle and project manager Karl Steinbeiß had a first project meeting. The ground was laid for joint activities on of Upper Austrian’s pilot region Bad Zell: the healing water and its effects have always shaped the region and will continue to play a major role in the future. Sustainable use and joint management of the resource therefore are a critical factor in development. The HealingPlaces project offers an opportunity to strengthen regional partnerships and to anchor the topic of sustainable water management even more firmly within the community.

After the first kick-off meeting in April with representatives of the tourism association Mühviertler-Alm Stefan Wunderle and Karl Steinbeiß the Business Upper Austria project team clarified the way for further cooperation in the pilot region Mühlviertel in Upper Austria on 8th of August. The next steps regarding the progress of the project have jointly been determined.