Balanced and sustained management of mineral waters in Lower Silesia
Lower Silesia (dolnoslaskie region, PL)
Main challenge and aim:
The Lower Silesia Region is rich in mineral water deposits and known from the location of healing resorts and SPAs (the 11 registered resorts gives the region first position in Poland). However the spa management is dispersed and lies within the competence of spa communes and treatment entities with small engagement of the region. Therefore it is subject to strong local "pro-development" pressure, which is increasingly a serious challenge for the protection of valuable resources of healing waters, climate and heritage elements. The aim of the Pilot Action is to create a joint Action Plan for the 11 existing spas of the region, containing general and specific recommendations for their development. In this way we hope to emphasise the importance for the development of the region and at the same time to strengthen the actions beneficial for the protection of the most valuable resources
The key steps:
• establishment of the Regional Working Group for Sustainable Management of Thermal Water in Lower Silesian spas.
• establishment of two Local Working Groups in pilot health resorts: Lądek Zdrój and Polanica Zdrój
• elaboration of the detailed analysis of environmental threats connected to the land development in two pilot SPA resorts: Lądek Zdrój and Polanica Zdrój.
• elaboration of the regional Action Plan on the basis of the Local and Regional Group’s works.
• signing of Letter of Intent on Action Plan implementation in Lower Silesia Region
Main indicators:
• Written report detailed on environmental threats connected to the land development in two pilot SPA resorts: Lądek Zdrój and Polanica Zdrój.
• Meetings with Regional Working Group for Sustainable Management of Thermal Water in Lower Silesian spas.
• Meetings with Local and Regional Groups in Lądek Zdrój and Polanica Zdrój
• Regional Action Plan for sustainable management of SPAs
• Letter of Intent
What is new?:
• In April 2021 the first meeting of the Regional Working Group for Sustainable Management of Thermal Water in Lower Silesian took place (online)
• In May 2021 the report on threats and hazards associated with surface investment and development on mineral waters sensitive areas using GIS spatial statistics methodology has been completed.
Envisaged results:
• increased awareness of local administration and general public concerning the impact of on-the-ground investments on mineral water deposits.
• better recognition of reginal value of existing SPA’s and increased support for their sustainable development
Contribution of a sustainable development:
Regional Pilot Action in Lower Silesia aim at increasing awareness of mineral water deposits sensitivity in relation to on–surface development (land use). It provide the strategic tool (Action Plan) for more sustainable approach to local development, in particular land use
The transnational added value:
The methodology for analyzing the land use investment pressures for mineral waters deposits can be adopted to other local circumstances elsewhere.
Some findings have direct transborder dimension within the Polish-Czech border areas, where majority of regional SPAs are located.

Map of occurrence of all anthropogenic threats, including weights obtained from AHP analysis, in the mining area of the Polanica-Zdrój medicinal water deposit.
More information about the Polish Pilot Action:
Infographic of Polish Pilot Action
Action plan for sustained management of mineral waters in Lower Silesia
REPORT ON WP1 TOOLS ADAPTATION TO LOCAL & REGIONAL NEEDS and Annex 1: Założenia do narzędzia szacującego presje środowiskowe związane z rozwojem gmin uzdrowiskowych – aspekt zasobów wodnych