HOW TO DEVELOP A PROJECT FROM THE SCRATCH Possible drivers and how to reach them Pre-feasibility study including exercize Facts and benefits of renewable district heating
FUNDINGS, ECONOMICS AND FINANCING OF RENEWABLE DISTRICT HEATING Profitability calculation of DH plant/network Heat cost comparison for consumers Economic feasibility of solar thermal plants Fundings Overview of different financing schemes with focus on financing and operation model (Renewable Heat Contracting) Full session on YouTube
EMISSIONS, AIR QUALITY, FUEL AND ASH LOGISTICS Legal framework conditions for emissions and air quality in the federal state of Styria Basics of flue gas cleaning Fuel quality and fuel logistics Full session on YouTube
QM SYSTEM BASICS AND EXTENSION QM system basics Full session on YouTube
FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA REGION (ITALY) First training Studio prefattibilità impianto Second training QM Holzheizwerke in pillole Analisi economica di un impianto certificato QM Third training QM: perché adottarlo in Friuli Venezia Giulia? Fourth training Valutazione finanziaria di una rete di teleriscaldamento Gestione della qualità nel teleriscaldamento Pre-studi di fattibilità; ottimizzazione e monitoraggio impianto; circuiti idraulici Biomassa legnosa integrata ad altre fonti di energia Videorecording on YouTube
KONTINENTALNA HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Fourth training Rad i optimizacija sustava područnih grijanja na obnovljive izvore energije; Praćenje postrojenja prema QM sustavu
MAZOWIECKIE (POLAND) Second training 1. A.Lachowicz_Introduction to ENTRAIN 2. W.Retke_Financing sources for RES DH projects 3. D.Pinski_Feasibility study heat pumps PV 4. M.Dwórznik_Economic analysis solar power plant 5. P.Olkiewicz_municipal waste+sewage sludge in heating plant 6. C.Ramerstorfer_Biomass DH in Austria Third training 1. A.Fijas_introduction to ENTRAIN 2. P.Kleinschmidt_Impact of heating on clean air and climate 3. K.Sztekelr_Adsorption equipment 4. J.Fic_Fuel diversification at Krosno heat and power plant 5. P.Jastrzebski_Good practice. MPEC in Krakow
NECKAR-ALB (GERMANY) Fourth training Qualitätsmanagementsysteme für Heizwerke
VZHODNA SLOVENIJA First training Voglar F. Predstavitev - PRELIMINARNA ŠTUDIJA Voglar F. Predstavitev - UVOD Voglar F. - Predstavitev AKCIJSKI NAČRT - Spodnje Podravje Jurko N. - Predstavitev - Dobre prakse - Avstrija Mozgan S. - Predstavitev - Dejstva DO Mozgan S. - Predstavitev Dobre prakse - Solarcomplex Second training Finančne vzpodbude - Voglar F. Primerjava stroškov ogrevanja - Mozgan S. Študija ekonomske izvedljivosti DOLB - Voglar F. Študija ekonomske izvedljivosti STP - Jurko N. Third training Uvod: emisije, kvaliteta zraka, Logistika goriva in pepela Predstavitev emisij in kvaliteta zraka Pepel in kako z njim rokovati Ravnanje s pepelom in logistika Osnove čiščenja dimnih plinov Fourth training Uvod: Obratovanje in optimizacija Obratovanje kotlovnice daljinskega ogrevanja na lesno biomaso Praktični primeri za optimizacijske ukrepe Nadzor obrata po sistemu QM Heizwerke-mejnik 5
STUDY TOURS: go to the collection of selected video tours of renewable district heating plants across Europe .