Train-the-trainer seminar on Preservation of Cultural Heritage
About 60 Participants from all ECRR Partner Countries gathered in Erfurt on Nov. 27th, 2017 for mutual learning on the preservation of cultural heritage.
This Train-the-Trainer Seminar was the first of three events of this kind within the Interreg-Project “European Cultural Route of Reformation” (ECRR). The seminar provided regional trainers with methodical tools and contents on preservation of cultural heritage to enable and empower them to carry out training seminars with local stakeholders on this topic in their regions.
Facilitating discussion, exchange of ideas, team work and cooperative generation of knowledge were central goals of this seminar - hence fostering the establishment of a learning and idea exchange network among the regional trainers.
Key note speeches by Dr. Tomoko Emmerling, Curator State Museum of Prehistory in Halle and project head of the exhibition series “Here I stand” and by Berthold Moser, Burg Prandegg, Schönau set the base for the day. In interactive sessions (World Café, Field exploration, clustering in plenum, reflection in groups, Tree Structure etc.) all participants actively engaged in bringing together experience and know-how from all countries.
All trainers received a certificate of attendance.
Subsequently to this seminar the regional trainers will together with their corresponding ECRR Project Partner adapt the training content to their regional conditions and realize regional training seminars in their pilot areas.
Addressees and target groups are mainly regional and local
- Public authorities
- Parishes, Clergy, church-related actors
- Tourism operators and tourist guides
- Development agencies and -managers
- Cultural heritage operators, carers, promoters
- Associations, foundations, initiatives related to the topic of Reformation, tourism or cultural heritage
World Café with the trainers - Copyright ThLG

Tree-Structure method - Copyright Christian Baumgartner
Having fun in the transnational working groups... - Copyright ThLG well as serious discussions - Copyright ThLG
Option for personal Feedback on the seminar using the method SPES-GIVE - Copyright ThLG