Coordination meeting #4 and side visit in Terminal Intermodalnej Prepravy in Żilina
The meeting in Terminal Intermodalnej Prepravy in Zilina was opened by Ms Aleksandra Krawucka, Project Manager, and also by Mr Michal Trnka PP4 Project Manager. They both were thankful for the possibility to visit newly opened public terminal of combined transport. The speech of Mr. Trnka was oriented to the general information about TRITIA area and project TRANS TRITIA. After the speeches of Ms Krawucka and Mr Trnka, Mr Pavel Santarius, Project Manager of PP3, together with Mr Radovan Kominek, expert and the leader of PP2, presented general principles in processing project outputs with content of deliverables for WPT2 - Multimodal Transport Across TRITIA area. Then, the representatives of TIP Žilina were invited to the coming workshop: “Stakeholder Involvement Workshop: Intermodal Logistic Terminal – Present and Future” within the presentation. The hosts informed the participants about history and development of the idea to build public terminals in Slovakia and development of situation and construction of terminal. After that, hosts talked about public procurement for the TIP Žilina operation and conditions in signed concession contract with terminal owner Railways of the Slovak Republic.
Then the discussion was more oriented to the problems of the intermodal transport in Slovakia and possibilities of shifting goods from road transport to environmentally friendly modes. The main problems within competitive modes (road transport) is the price for the transport. Road transport is more flexible and cheaper than rail transport, inland waterway transport and intermodal transport. The possible solution is to prepare by decision makers a long term strategic approach for development and support environmentally friendly transport modes like intermodal transport.
The coordination meeting was oriented on monitoring of progress of project activities, problems solving and preparation of reports. This meeting was specially focused on preparation of forthcoming mid-term review meeting. The meeting was opened by Ms Aleksandra Krawucka, Project Manager, who described the aims of the meeting.
Mr Andrzej Szymborski, leader of WPT 1 presented finalised reports and deliverables, as well as realistic timeframe. Current state of play within work package WPT 2 was presented by Ms Pavel Santarius. Progress of activities and reports prepared were given. Work package WPT3 was presented by Mr Michal Trnka, including current state of play of reports and survey execution. Next issues debated concerned Management and Communication. A new realistic timetable of activities was verified and confirmed. All the mid-term review topics and doubts were discussed. After all discussions the meeting was finished.