2nd CitiEnGov Project Meeting and Study Visit in Weiz (Austria)
30th November - 2nd December 2016
2nd Project Meeting and Study Visit took place in the City of Weiz (Austria) and addressed project partners as well as associated partners of the CitiEnGov project.
The project meeting aimed at discussing on first activities and results developed during these months and setting up a common methodology for the harmonization of next activities implementation.
Associated partners actively participated to open sessions and gave their contributions for describing the state of art in the different regions involved.
A part of the project meeting was dedicated to the study visit: several local R&D-projects and concepts on energy efficiency issues have been presented, among them the district heating system, the waste water plant, the hot ice system and an innovative traffic lighting system of the city of Weiz. 40 people from 7 different countries have participated to this 3-days project meeting coming back enriched of shared knowledges and experiences on energy management and strategies.