New Citycircle developments in Italy

Very active Citycircle partners from Italy presented the Strategy for the diffusion of the circular economy in the region Friuli Venezia Giulia. The document, created on the basis of close collaboration between the local partners of the Citycircle project and the stakeholders of the working group, contains a series of assessments on the current regional situation with regard to the issue of the circular economy and identifies the points of strength and the barriers to overcome. In addition to this, the Strategy outlines a possible path to facilitate the transition from a traditionally linear economy to a circular economy.
The Project and the activities of the group now need to become known to their users. All the initiatives will be communicated and the best practices and good exaples and cases in the region will be collected and analyzed to promote and support the birth of new similar projects.
You can read more about the event (in Italian) HERE... and HERE...

Messaggero Veneto, a very popular regional newspaper in Italy has published an ARTICLE on the agreement that lays the foundations for the development of the pilot project envisaged by Citycircle for the city of Udine. The agreement has been approved by Udine's municipal Council.
The goal is to develop an industrial symbiosis between the new bio-gas fueled co-generation plant and an existing water purification and treatment plant as part of the Citycircle activities in the city of Udine and the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.