Large participation in two online events by Udine Municipality

Two on-line events took place in January: the new challenges in the world of architecture and "green jobs"
"The circular economy in professions and public administration" is the second cycle of training meetings - organized by the Italian partners of CityCircle - to promote dissemination and discussion on the key issues of the circular economy.
Nowadays there is a lot of talk about new professions and environmental challenges, which involve and will involve all working sectors in the years to come. In this context, the Municipality and the University of Udine have joined forces with the professional world by proposing a calendar of multidisciplinary training meetings.
The first online meeting entitled "Post-extractive architecture and circularity: the challenge of cities" took place on Thursday 20 January, where there was an exchange of experiences regarding urban planning focused on the challenge of resilience and the circular economy and the application of circularity principles in construction. Several interventions followed, first of all the introduction by Giulia Manzan - Councillor for Territorial Planning and European Projects. Then intervened Lorenzo Puzzi - ATER director of Udine and Pordenone, Valerio Barberis - Councillor for Urban Planning and Environment of the Municipality of Prato and finally the architect Guido Incerti. During this first on-line meeting, the participants were more than two hundred.
During the meeting on Thursday 27 January, an overview was offered on the changes underway in companies and on the increasingly sought-after "green professionals". Green jobs are a whole range of professions, such as construction, architecture, engineering with the aim of preserving or restoring environmental quality. "The challenges of the ecological transition for the professions of the future" always took place online and saw the participation of Elisa Qualizza of the Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone and Udine, Olivero Pevere of Confartigianato - Imprese Udine, Andrea de Colle of the Animaimpresa association and Marco Sartor, rector's delegate for Job placement and business relations. The meeting was attended by over two hundred participants.
The two events were moderated by Bruno Grizzaffi, head of the European Projects and Participation Office of the Municipality of Udine.
Attendance at the on-line events was very high. Those who followed the events came both from Friuli Venezia Giulia, the region where the Italian partners are based, the Municipality of Udine and APE - Energy Agency and from the rest of Italy. There will be new appointments between February and March.
For more information:
European Projects and Participation Office
Tel 0432 1272 934 - 615