Phase 4 - Thematic Work Package 4

The CEETO Network

Phase 4 of CEETO project is designed to capitalize common knowledge, share lessons learnt, good practices and experiences from Project Partners´activities at local, national and international level. The objective of this last Phase is to set up the CEETO Network, composed by all Project Partners and Associates Partners. The Network Secretariat will ensure the coordination of this phase, especially among the 8 Pilot Protected Areas. Members will cooperate to develop and implement the CEETO Network Strategic Agenda, aimed at capitalizing Phase 2 Pilot Actions´results, to develop a Manual for Protected Areas on tourism governance models, and to spread the know-how among members and with broader Protected Areas’ communities, opening the project horizons to new target groups.

Networking activities will include: design and sharing of new initiatives among Pilot Protected Areas (e.g. exchange visits), capitalization of CEETO outcomes by establishing a permanent platform among the Network members. CEETO Network will sign an agreement with EUROPARC broad network to maximise synergies and ensure the follow up of networking and promotion activities well beyond the project end.


4.1. Setting up CEETO Network.
4.2. Development and implementation of CEETO Network Strategic Agenda for networking, knowledge transfer and exchange.
4.3. Development of Manual for Protected Areas’ communities: an operational tool for setting up a sustainable tourism governance model based on monitoring and management practices tested in the Phase 2 Pilot Actions.
4.4. Tracing the steps forward of the CEETO Network.

Project Partners involvement 

  • WWF ADRIA, as the responsible of this Phase 4, will manage the Network and Secretariat, coordinate the drafting of Phase 4 outputs and ensure synergies with Phases 2 and 3 of CEETO project and the Communication Activities.
  • All Project Partners and Associated Partners will be involved in drafting and implementing the CEETO Network Strategic Agenda by identifying stakeholders at different levels, using and promoting the Network and providing inputs for the development of the "CEETO Manual of sustainable tourism governance for Protected Area managers" and the "CEETO Network Strategy for networking, knowledge transfer and exchange".


The CEETO Network online platform

Stakeholders Mapping/ The CEETO Network Strategy for networking, knowledge transfer and exchange

The CEETO Manual of sustainable tourism governance for Protected Area managers