Update on BOOSTEE-CE Pilot Actions

PA flow chart
The 3rd Thematic Work Package is dedicated to the pilot actions realized in locations chosen by partners, offering to be the most beneficial in terms of related project outputs - testing and validating the OnePlace platform and learning together about smart metering. A crucial part of this WP is the standardization of the procedure for implementing pilot actions which had been developed by the Mazovian Energy Agency, leader of the WP.
The procedure of implementation consists of three stages two of which had been already done:
- preparing the public procurement process, selecting an external expert, creating an inventory of the initial state, identifying problematic areas and issues, and determining which solution to use in order to improve energy efficiency;
- development and implementation: designing a technical solution and cost estimate, selection of contractor and purchase of equipment, verification of technical design and cost estimate, supervision and receipt of works;
- the third, ongoing stage is operation with monitoring and evaluation of results.
The standard procedure is a linear set of intervention points which should be followed in order to maintain the integrity and adequateness of the pilot actions and ensuring that each pilot location achieve the best results and as high energy efficiency as possible with the tools provided by the PAs.