Pilot action in the Zlín Region
The pilot action encompasses quite a huge number of buildings: The Uherské Hradiště Hospital, Grammar School in Holešov, Secondary Pedagogical and Social School Kroměříž; Basic School 1. Máje Kroměříž; Grammar School Valašské Klobouky and last but not least the Grammar School and Secondary Medical School Vsetín
The following objectives have been agreed as part of the pilot:
- thermo-modernization of buildings,
- construction of a new hospital building in modern standards (low energy consumption)
- increasing the comfort of the building use and easier operation of the building
- promoting and disseminating knowledge about energy efficiency measures in buildings.
The pilot action is a supplementary action for a 16093920 € investment carried out by Zlín Region. Energy Agency of the Zlín Region and BOOSTEE-CE contributed to the investment by energy management and energy audits. The main outcomes are the following: