BOOSTEE-CE partners go virtual to put the finishing touches on the project

BOOSTEE-CE partners met virtually to verify the status of the final deliverables and outputs. The project is soon coming to an end with satisfactory and concrete results for the energy efficiency field. Here are some of the salient numbers of the project:
- 8 pilot actions in 7 countries,
- 1 web platform (OnePlace) with 4 modules,
- more than 15 dedicated media articles,
- 6 newsletter issues,
- 8 joint events organized beyond the partnership,
- 5 seminars,
- 21 focus group meetings,
- 8 regions modelled in 3D with more, than 2000 3D buildings,
- 9 training events, 2 project videos,
- 8 municipalities/regions willing to adopt our energy efficiency financing roadmaps,
- almost 40 news on the website,
- more than 200 trained people,
- almost 2000 unique visits at the project website,
- some 100 deliverables and 50 outputs available for consultations.

Stay tuned for the last fireworks!