Cities and municipalities as leaders in climate and energy activities conference, Serock, Poland
On May 9-10 in Serock near Warsaw, the City Municipality of Płońsk took part in the conference “Cities and municipalities as leaders in climate and energy activities", which was addressed to representatives of local governments from all over Poland. Presentations, discussions and table sessions concerned two main topics:

- integrated energy management in buildings, enabling maximum use of the energy saving potential embedded in them. The participants discussed among others concept of conscious management of energy demand, ICT tools that can be used to optimize energy use and mechanisms and incentive systems that support the promotion of energy-saving behavior among users.
- development of climate and energy action plans in context of the new objectives of the climate and energy policy of Poland and the EU as well as changing environmental conditions (issues of sensitivity assessment and adaptation to climate change). During the seminar, Kamil Wyrzykowski presented and discussed the most important issues related to the BOOSTEE-CE project. The project team from Płońsk could also learn about the
other project cofinanced by INTERREG - TOGETHER. The seminar was not only opportunity to listen to inspirational presentations, but also to exchange experiences and discussions in small groups
The meeting also became an opportunity to officially join the structures of the Association of Municipalities - Polish network "Energie cites". The Association administers several projects implemented under the INTERREG program. Thanks to this, the exchange of experiences and good practices will be even more fruitful.