Closure of the 3rd reporting period
The 3rd reporting period of the project was closed and reported with a lot of activities, results and finalized deliverables. The project is proceeding well and all tasks were successfully accomplished. The mid-term review will be held in March when we plan to release the first version of the 3DEMS module of our OnePlace platform.
The consortium has so far collected all available geospatial data, completed the creation of 3D building models in the pilot areas (PA) and startED the realization of the pilot actions, collecting information of the key buildings and planning the investments. The project platform, named OnePlace, is under development and it will be a web tool to deal with energy data and information, visualize them using 3D building models and transfer knowledge to other regions in Europe. There are four modules under realization (Energy Efficiency Cities, Living Energy Marketplace, Financing Energy Efficiency and 3D Energy Management system) and they will ingest the outcomes of the various WPs. The consortium met already 4 times in Trento (Italy), Warsaw (Poland), Ptuj (Slovenia) and Zlín (Czech Republic) to discuss ongoing and finished activities whereas the 5th project meeting (and review) will be in Koprivnica (Croatia).

One of the most crucial aspects of the OnePlace platform is the 3D Energy Management System (shown above). This webGIS system can navigate a map of an urban environment, select a 3D building of interest and retrieve the energy audit and other cadastral/building information. The 3D Energy Management System aims to harmonize the different data sources in one database and visualize them on the OnePlace platform. The photovoltaic potential (shown below) is calculated using the building geometries it is also can be used in the 3DEMS.