Spot seminar in Idrija 

Activity: Spot seminar
Target: Technicians and enterpreneurs
Participants: General public, Decision makers, Technicians, Local public authority, Sectoral agency, Higher education and research, Business support organization 

Spot seminar in Idrija

Different local participants have been involved in the event: experts, stakeholders, technicians, entrepreneurs and  others related to HBA management.

The Spot seminar was held in Idrija and led by dr. Vlasta Vodeb (PP8, UIRS). Spot seminar was organized to discuss the topic of heritage valorization as part of sustainable HBA management with a special focus on the HBA accessibility for all.
The purpose of the event was to present BhENEFITproject and results to different experts, stakeholders, entrepreneurs and others related to HBA management in Idrija and to give inputs to technicians on how to
implement good practices in achieving accessible HBA and also to get feedback from them.

The spot seminar was introduced by the presentation of the BhENEFIT project followed by the presentation of legal aspects of management of HBA.

The seminar focused on the value of accessibility of HBA, especially on the example of the Pilot area in Idrija which is under UNESCO conservation. Dr. Vlasta Vodeb introduced participants with good practices, examples and innovative interventions from the local area, Slovenia and abroad.