University of Maribor
In Slovenia and abroad, University of Maribor (UM) is recognised as a university providing students with an excellent learning experience and producing top graduates. With its nineteen member institutions, the university is turning into a central development institution in Slovenia attracting talented students from all over the world and providing a development context where excellence is at home at all levels. The University of Maribor is bringing together knowledge, research findings and the industry. The central project in this area is Innovative Open Technologies (IOT). The management is aware that close ties between the University as a central educational and research institution and its local environment and the industry are of the utmost importance. For this reason, various activities aimed at integrating knowledge and R&D with the industry are being implemented in order to initiate concrete projects contributing to new jobs and new products with high added value.
The University of Maribor is developing new fields, testing new teaching and learning methods and constantly searching for new methods of cooperation with its environment. UM received various international awards. UM was ranked among the best global universities and earned the highest score among Slovene universities on Times Higher Education World University Rankings examining how universities fulfil their primary mission in different areas. In 2014, UM also received an award for the well-being of foreign students at HE institutions.
The University of Maribor is a member of Advisory Board of PPI2Innovate project to provide quality and scientific monitoring, to influence project implementation with specific focus on the achievement of local impact in Slovenia. Main expected benefit from participating in the project is to build additional administration capacity in using PPI in Slovenia and in Central European region. Representatives of the University will according to the PPI2Innovate project participate at joint development and mutual learning workshop (D.T.1.2.1) in Slovenia, at 2nd PPI2Innovate days in Croatia and Final meeting and 3rd PPI2Innoavte days in Czech Republic.