Third General Partner Meeting

2nd-4th April 2019. Vicenza, Italy

Vicenza Mayor

Vicenza, the wonderful Italian Renaissance town, has hosted the third SURFACE general meeting

SURFACE third general meeting has taken place in Vicenza in the comfortable meeting room of INSIEME Impresa Sociale, one of the two Italian partners of SURFACE project. 
Participants have received a warm welcome by local authorities in the splendid rooms of municipality building.


During two intense days of work, project partners have met to discuss on current project status and next steps to implement pilot actions to create five Smart Reuse Parks. The event served as an opportunity for all participants to share opinions and confrontation for the project.
Suggestive site visits of INSIEME Center revealed how the Italian Project Partner has tackled many of the challenges that a Reuse Park management implies.

Two different facilities have been visited.


Along with two fervent days of project meetings and consultations, the event has also hosted a workshop on the setting up of a Smart Reuse Park, as well as a conference to launch the local pilot action to implement an SRP in Vicenza.
Local press has been invited and joined the event

Meeting 2

 Press report of the meeting here

  Another press release is available here


Agenda Meeting