First regional meeting
On 25th of January, first bigger regional kick-off event was organized in the Czech Republic. There was 35 participants. In the begging, there was a lecture about lynx occurrence and protection in the Czech Republic. Jaroslav Červený, the lecturer, is prominent professor of hunting at Czech University of Life Sciences. Then, results of lynx monitoring in Šumava mountains was introduced by Elisa Belotti of Šumava National Park Administration. Simona Poláková of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic talked about 3Lynx project and planned steps to create lynx conservation strategy. Then, Lukáš Poledník of Alka Wildlife presented interesting information about fauna you could find out from photomonitoring.
Second part of the meeting was dedicated to a discussion with participants from forestry and hunting field. The main topics were legal and illegal lynx hunting and damages on game caused by lynx. 3Lynx project provide more opportunities to discuss and try to get scientific information about lynx numbers and game damages to the hunters.
Lukáš Poledník of Alka Wildlife presented fauna you can find during photomonitoring.
Jaroslav Červený has a lecture about lynx occurrence and protection in the Czech Republic.