The Polish pilot engages 9 public buildings from 3 AP municipalities (3 administration buildings, 4 educational buildings and 2 service buildings) in energy saving activities integrating analytical and behavioural approach to reducing energy consumption & related costs. Analytical measures include installation of smart metering systems with dedicated software enabling better energy management, setting up alarms, etc., while behavioural ones include encouraging change of building exploitation and maintenance routines, as well as change of user behavior based on better awareness of the building, energy and energy saving methods. In order to create sense of rivalry and strive for the highest possible savings a competition for the "energy-saving master" was organised with the building teams being rated both for level of savings achieved and for completing relevant tasks on the path leading towards them (with some extra points to be obtained for special creativity and finding "untypical" ways for energy saving). 6 tasks were prepare and given to the building team and PNEC’s staff helped with the execution of some of them on the spot. The tasks prepared are: (1) internal energy review/audit of the building; (2) social audit of the building; (3) exploring and using heat saving potential; (4) exploring and using electricity saving potential assoc. with lighting; (5) exploring and using electricity saving potential assoc. with electric appliances. Each task was accompanied by a task report to be filled in by the building teams. In between the tasks the building teams received short thematic newsletters with further food for thoughts and energy-saving tips. Installed smart metering systems are very important element of the pilot action, as they not only enable real-time monitoring of electricity & heat consumption and seeking possible optimizations, but also give immediate feedback on the results of implemented measures. They have been described in detail in the Investment Factsheet delivered with the previous report. Since the systems have been installed and launched into operation in more or less parallel time than start of the competition, historic data from energy bills and meters will be used to calculate achieved annual savings. These data have been already collected and analysed by PNEC. Once energy savings are calculated for each building and collected points summarized, the “energy-saving master” will be announced during official award ceremony planned in Spring 2019. The experience is also being used for delivering "Reinvestment action plan" (for reinvesting financial savings achieved in further EE measures) and an "Action plan for energy efficiency in public buildings" (aimed at introducing tested and other project tools in a wider range of buildings).