The pilot actions are based on the introduction of the concept of Behavioural and analytical demand-side management (DSM). Behavioural DSM focuses on educating consumers and encouraging individual participation to attain energy saving, whereas analytical DSM finds opportunities for saving energy through equipment monitoring and data analytics. PA3 wanted to trigger the process of change or, better still, for change, by focusing on all users who live and manage buildings, giving them an instant measure of the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of activities undertaken. The first activity to stimulate awareness is, therefore, visualization and immediate and objective evaluation provided, in the case of TOGETHER project, by investments in devices for the real-time detection and monitoring of electricity and heat consumption. Two modes of system interventions were carried out and are detailed in the Investment fact-sheet, available on the website. The pilots have been concretely involved in a project of technological and behavioural experimentation. While technological experimentation consists of the installation of devices, as well as relevant training and the increased ability to analyse consumption scenarios, behavioural experimentation comprises a series of activities common to all the buildings and for specific activities defied by the single Negotiating Panel. The PAs process was as follows:
1. Constitution of a mixed work group, composed of as many subjects representing the building and sub categories of users, called the Negotiating Panel;
2. Implementation of a SWOT survey of issues concerning buildings realised by the working group;
3. Implementation of energy audits which suggest a list of necessary interventions to improve energy efficiency in each building;
4. Verification and analysis by the working group of the results of energy audits;
5. Acquisition of skills and knowledge to leverage the potential of sensors;
6. Identification of critical points and definition of an Action plan per pilot building, including technical, financial and Demand Side Management activities;
7. Verification and monitoring of the energy curves and consumption targets;
8. Signing the Statements on considering recommendations of TOGETHER project.
The specific activities of each building reflect the contents of the intervention plan defined by each negotiating panel based on framework of suggested interventions, to include “nudges” through the process of training, animation and support triggered by TOGETHER team. To raise awareness and to trigger changes in behaviour of pilot and other public buildings users the TOGETHER team of PP3 implement the following activities: production of posters, leaflets, labels, tips on energy efficiency, creating graphic/video tools, organising local awareness events to activate the process of reflection and behaviour change. Target groups actively involved in the project by participating training, awareness raising events (local workshops, negotiating panel, communication campaign, etc.): staff working at student dormitories and at faculties: 50; end-users of the public buildings: 250 students, 80 professors and 150 other staff. Results: (1) Improved capacity of managers of the buildings to engage the whole chain of the users in the decision-making process related to usage of the spaces and time of usage; (2) 3 Negotiating panels (by the end of January there will be implemented 12 meetings with them). It is a group of people on a specific object/building who work together in a joint effort to reach the set energy saving goals, to achieve mutual benefit (economic and environmental). The Negotiating Panel Concept is made up of representatives of owners, managers and users (including end users, i.e. occupants), contributing together to the energy management of the building; (3) Establishment of a Negotiation Panel was the first step in introducing full-scale energy management system in a building. It comprises all relevant stakeholders and envisages open discussion principles to define measures and deliver desired energy saving targets at the level of an individual building. By the end of January 2019, it will be signed 6 Statements on considering recommendations of TOGETHER project (2 are already signed).