A 'Batana' Ride to Cultural Heritage
3rd - 4th October 2018
Our autumn study visit, organized by our Croatian partners Ekomuzej batana / Ecomuseo batana and TZ općine Mošćenička Draga, took us to Rovinj-Rovigno and Moscenicka Draga on the Istrian peninsula.
On the agenda of our meeting in October was the final version of our Joint Strategy to preserve cultural heritage in Central Europe. We also recapped the local activities - participative workshops - that were organized by each partner since our last meeting in February.
The next steps: Each partner will develop a tailor-made management concept for their local ecomuseum and draft a corresponding action plan. In further consequence, each partner will implement a pilot action incorporating participative approaches, and communication and information technologies.
Did you know that...
...there was just a single Batana (traditional fishing boat) left in Rovinj-Rovigno when the Ecomuseum started preserving and promoting it as a defining cultural heritage?
...the small village of Moscenice (municipality of Moscenicka Draga) is home to a 500 years old olive oil press?
Enjoy some picturesque impressions from our most recent study visit!

Rovinj as seen from a Batana

Batana Close-Up


Village of Moscenice

Moscenicka Draga