Do you often struggle when presenting your business idea to the public? Could you use a little help with attracting investors for your business?

Then this free interactive online webinar is the right thing for you! It will happen in TWO PARTS and will be in English. It will be led by lecturer Maurizio la Cava, a presentation strategist and adjunct professor at Politecnico di Milano. You can find out more about him here:

  1. PART:

On Wednesday, 16.3.2022, between 16.00 and 18.00, we are hosting a free online webinar. The subject will be PITCHING YOUR BUSINESS IDEA. The lecturer, Maurizio la Cava, will present a simple and straightforward methodology that everybody can use to craft a persuasive presentation to pitch an audience and win funding.

You can attend the first part of our webinar at this link:

  1. PART:

On Thursday, 31.3.2022, between 11.00 and 13.00, 3 participants will have the opportunity to pitch their business idea. They will then receive feedback from our lecturer Maurizio la Cava.

You can find more about the second part of webinar on this link:


#SEEMEIN is an Interreg project that aims to help enterprises with a multicultural background. Organisations working towards this goal together are: Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Consorzio Nazionale CGM, Comune di Milano, Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije (FUDŠ), ACT Grupa, Budapesti Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara (BKIK), Budapest Chambers of Commerce, Aiforia, RRA Severne Primorske doo Nova Gorica and Zavod Iskriva, iskrišče za razvoj lokalnih potencialov.

Graphic about the first webinar
Graphic on the seconf webinar