Ecomuseum of Carp Valley
Conference and Workshops with our Polish partner Foundation for Active People and Places
Conference of the Ecomuseum of Carp Valley
13th June
On 13th June 2018, Ecomuseum of Carp Valley organized a one-day conference attended by local partners, ecomuseums and ecomuseum-like initiatives from Lesser Poland, local and regional authorities and a partner from Austria (LAG ‘Zeitkultur Oststeirisches Kernland’). Conference was a good opportunity to share knowledge and exchange the experience. Activities of Ecomuseum of Carp Valley were highly assessed, esp. by regional authorities, including tourism department as a unique initiative and a good practice to be transferred to other localities not only in the region. Regional Tourist Organization declared to strengthen promotion of ecomuseum offer in Poland and abroad. Austrian guests were very much interested to learn more about ecomuseum and develop one in their region.

Working out an offer package of Ecomuseum of Carp Valley using natural and cultural heritage
Third workshop used the knowledge obtain in two previous and let ecomuseum partners better define categories of ecomuseum visitors, profile their needs and create common offers. The important outcome was decision to launch a new entity (foundation) to deal with marketing of ecomuseum tourist products.

Creative industry tools and communication and information technologies
21st May
The second Workshop on creative industry and communication and information technologies and their use in creation and improvement of tourist and education offer based on intangible heritage in Ecomuseum of Carp Valley was held in Zator on 21st May. Ecomuseum partners worked on making tourist offer more attractive using modern information and communication methods and tools as well as creative use of local intangible heritage. Participants learnt about various trends and some examples of their application. It was followed by working out new ideas and common designing new and enriching existing tourist products.

Effective management of ecomuseum based on sustainable mechanisms
9th May
The first workshop on effective management in Ecomuseum of Carp Valley was held in Zator on 9th May 2018. Participants assessed the current management situation and planned improvements. Next workshops are planned for 21st and 30th May 2018.