Varaždin Stakeholders meet for the 2nd CITYCIRCLE Workshop
28 November 2019
The second circular economy strategy workshop has been organized within CITYCIRCLE by Razvojna agencija Sjever DAN. It was held on 28th of November 2019 in Varaždin City Hall. The objective was to further introduce the CITYCIRCLE project among stakeholders from the region and to gather information on willingness to participate in its implementation. Another goal of these workshops is to foster a bottom-up approach to trigger an inclusive CE strategy building process.

In the meeting it was concluded that all participants will be provided with a questionnaire that asks of them to describe their activities, provide info on waste flows and by-products (stakeholders are assured of dana protection) that asks of them to briefly state their expectations and interests as well as preparedness to participate in CE strategy.
Stakeholders expressed their preparedness to participate and provide several points of interest that roughly relate to recycling of specific waste (mostly plastics), energy restoration of buildings and conserving energy while raising awareness about sorting of waste. Stakeholders are prepared to fill in the questionnaire that will serve for information gathering about possibilities of participation in the project. This information will be used to form a basis for next steps in management of by-products and waste of stakeholders in accordance with CE principals. Also, with agreement of participants, the information will be used make a basis of information database where it will be possible to establish cross border cooperation. This will help define value chains to be put into the strategy. Also, support from the university of organisation and information sciences is very welcome for making the strategy. Due to expressed interest the energy efficiency of energy consumption will be further reviewed as well as views from the local administration who know the state well and have experience in dealing with problems of strategy implementation for waste.