Strategy meeting
6 February 2020, Varaždin, Croatia
A personal meeting with stakeholders in the CITYCIRCLE project was held on February 6th 2020 in the premises of Development Agency North DAN. Representatives of partners, City of Varaždin and Development agency North DAN were present, as well as representatives of Varaždin City Market and the communal company Čistoća d.o.o.. Also present were external experts for the CE strategy development from the company CROTEH d.o.o.
The points of discussion were:Defining the concept of the pilot project – City Market/ Čistoća / City of Varaždin – deadline is end of March 2020
- Need for additional work meetings to develop the CE strategy with key stakeholders
- Development of CE strategy – deadline March/April 2020
- Defining themes for specific trainings for local stakeholders

It was concluded in the meeting that no additional meetings are required and CROTEH will approach all stakeholders individually for assistance in development of the strategy. Also, it was concluded that the CE strategy should contain an action plan for development of composting platform in place of bio gas platform f the benefits for the circular economy development prove to be more valuable in that case. For any additional information on the topics in the meeting and CITYCIRCLE project in general all interested stakeholders can contact the project team.